Save The Supreme Court Seat Decision Until AFTER the General Election

“My most fervent wish is that I will not be replaced until a new president is installed”

– Ruth Bader Ginsburg

RBG was an architect of the women’s rights movement, fighting against gender discrimination in the Supreme Court and advocating for the protection of the most fundamental human rights. Her death comes six weeks before Election Day and leaves the country at risk for another Trump-appointed, life-long Supreme Court Justice.

A 6-3 conservative Supreme Court will jeopardize reproductive rights, immigration, worker protection laws, and safeguards against the climate crisis. Further, a move to appoint a Supreme Court nominee would go against the precedent set by Senator McConnell when he refused to vote on the nomination of Merrick Garland, Former President Obama’s appointee, in March 2016 (8 months before the General Election). 

It takes 51 votes to confirm a Supreme Court nominee. If four Republicans decide the vote should wait until after the election, then McConnell simply doesn’t have the support to proceed. We must call on Republican Senators to respect precedent and not appoint a Supreme Court Justice until the American people have a chance to cast their vote.

Action Steps

  1. Join us in contacting key Republican Senators Monday, October 5th at 7PM (Eventbrite) demanding they not appoint a Supreme Court Justice until after the General Election. Call their office and leave a voicemail if they doesn’t answer. Secondary to calling them directly, write letters and emails. 
  2. Attend local protests
  3. Go to the White House for an in-person protest (taking appropriate COVID precautions)
  4. Go to one of your Senator’s district offices for an in-person protest
  5. Register to vote and make a plan to vote. Bonus: volunteer to be a poll worker
  6. Donate to progressive candidates

Target Senators

(Last Update: Sept 27, 2020 5:24 PM ET)

Target Senators Office Phone Current Stance Democratic Challenger
Mitt Romney (UT) (202) 224-5251 Will vote yes before 2021 Not up for re-election
Lisa Murkowski (AK) (202) 224-6665 Will not vote yes before 2021 Not up for re-election
Susan Collins (ME) (202) 224-2523 Will not vote yes before 2021 Sara Gideon
Cory Gardner (CO) (202) 224-5941 Will vote yes before 2021 John Hickenlooper
Thom Tillis (NC) (202) 224-6342 Will vote yes before 2021 Cal Cunningham
Patrick Toomey (PA) (202) 224-4254 Will vote yes before 2021 Not up for re-election
Lindsey Graham (SC) (202) 224-5372 Will vote yes before 2021 Jaime Harrison
John Cornyn (TX) (202) 224-2934 Will vote yes before 2021 MJ Hegar
Chuck Grassley (IA) (202) 224-3744 Will vote yes before 2021 Not up for re-election
Martha McSally (202) 224-2235 Will vote yes before 2021 Mark Kelly
Joni Ernst (IA) (202) 224-3254 Will vote yes before 2021 Theresa Greenfield
Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (KY) (202) 224-2541 WILL BRING VOTE TO SENATE FLOOR BEFORE ELECTION Amy McGrath

Call Scripts

Script (for constituents)
Hello, my name is [Your name], as a constituent and voter from [City, State] I would be deeply disappointed if you allowed a Supreme Court nomination to the floor before the November election. In 2016, Congress refused to allow a nomination to proceed until the American people had the chance to speak. I would ask you to listen to your constituents in November before you take an action that will greatly influence the course of our country for the next 30 years. I will be voting this year and this is a very important issue to me and everyone I know, and I urge you to not appoint a Supreme Court Justice until the American people have had the chance to cast their vote.

Script (for non-constituents)
Hello, my name is [Your name] and I am deeply concerned about the vacancy on the Supreme Court. In 2016, the Congress blocked a nomination in March, a year ahead of the general election because they believed the American people should be heard. Four years later, I believe the American people still have the same right to be heard. I urge you to delay appointing a Supreme Court Justice until the American people have had a chance to cast their vote in November.